Vile Parle Mahila Sangh’s

Lions Juhu Nandlal Jalan Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Affiliated to S.N.D.T. Womens University, Mumbai
NAAC Re-accredited "B+" Grade
  • The examination for each semester will be for a total of 600 marks with six subjects heads.
  • Each subject head will carry 100 marks consisting of internal exam (25 marks) and external exam (75 marks)
  • Standard of passing for each subject and overall in the faculty of Arts/Commerce will be 35%.
  • The minimum marks to qualify for passing in internal exam will be 09 and the minimum marks to qualify for passing in external exam will be 26.
  • Students who fail to secure the minimum marks of 09 in a subject head in the internal exam will not qualify to take the external examination of 75 marks in that subject head at the end of the semester.
Not more than 40% heads of passing will be carried forward. If the number comes to a fraction less than 0.5; it will be rounded off to the immediate lower digit, if the number is 0.5 or more, it will be rounded off to the next immediate higher digit. For example 2.48 will become 2 and 2.5 or 2.51 will become 3. For example, if the total number of papers in semester I and II put together is 12 then, a student can be allowed to keep terms in 5 or less than 5 papers. ATKT rule is applicable at the U.G.

For each semester exam a maximum of 1% of the total marks of that Semester can be given as grace marks for passing in the subject head. These marks can be given all in one subject or spread across all subjects. For example, if the total semester is for 600 marks then, a maximum of 6 marks grace can be given in the total.

  • Admission from 1st t~ 2nd Semester will be automatic, regardless of the number of subject heads in which a student may have failed.
  • Admission to 3rd Semester (from 2nd Sem.) is given provided a student is not failing in more than 40% of subject heads in 1st & 2nd Semester taken together.
  • Admission from 3rd to 4th Semester is automatic.
  • The students who are failing in 20% or less than 20% of the subjects total taken together of (I, II, III & IV Semester) are allowed to keep term (i.e. A.T.K.T.) and permitted / eligible to admission for Vth / Vlth Semester in the faculty of B.A. and B.Com. examinations.
  • Admission from 5th to 6th Semester is automatic.